Meet the consortium

Driving Innovation Together: Meet the consortium

The EU-DREAM project partners form a highly interdisciplinary team, bringing together diverse yet complementary backgrounds. EU-DREAM places a strong emphasis on integrating Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) into its technological solutions through a co-creation process in WP6, involving both service providers and consumers.

A successful approach hinges on effective drivers of consumer engagement that go beyond technology alone, striking a balance with economics and SSH. Methods from social sciences, particularly behavioral economics, have proven effective in enhancing consumer awareness. By applying a consumer-centric design thinking process that merges technology with SSH, EU-DREAM aims to identify, implement, and test innovative ways to actively engage consumers.

European Institutions Map


Universidade do Porto
Aalborg Universitet
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Consorzio Interuniversitario
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis

Research Organisations

EPRI Europe
Fondazione Links
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus

Companies and SMEs

Cleanwatts Digital SA
SSE Airtricity LTD
DCSix Technologies Limited
Akkodis High Tech

Sister projects and Clustering initiatives

Projects and initiatives with shared goals and characteristics to EU-DREAM, where we’ve built synergies and launched initiatives to advance digital energy solutions.

Every1 project

The Every1 project fosters the participation of European stakeholders in the digital energy market by deeply understanding their needs, knowledge, and information use. It assesses existing and emerging solutions, creating learning pathways to build the necessary capacity for stakeholders to take on key roles. The project also engages with policymakers and regulators, sharing best practices and addressing barriers through joint communication efforts.


EU-DREAM has joined forces with three more Horizon Europe projects—DIGITISE, DECODIT, and ENERGENIUS to form the new cluster “E-NERGY.” The projects share a common goal: leveraging digital technologies to enhance consumer participation in the energy transition. By working together, they seek to democratise access to energy information and make the transition process more accessible and engaging for all.