We asked the leaders of our work packages to distil into one sentence what they believe is most meaningful about the EU-DREAM project, how it makes a difference and their personal contributions. Here are their insightful responses:

Luciana Marques represents VITO, a Belgian institute which is conducting work on market design to support the adoption of digital tools and flexibility services. The institution is also leading Living Lab 2 in Genk, Belgium, focusing on how energy poverty affects vulnerable communities—and finding ways to make energy access fairer for everyone.
Marialaura Di Somma, represents EnSiEL, a consortium of public Italian universities specializing in energy and power systems. They bring expertise in data analytics and legal and regulatory aspects. ENSIEL leads WP1 in Data-Driven Cross-Sector Integrated Services, Solutions, and Products, whose goal is to create a comprehensive framework that leverages data from multiple sectors—not just energy—to empower consumers in the energy transition.
Pedro Paiva represents Cleanwatts, the project technical coordinator, leading the Living Labs work package and managing the Cleanwatts Living Lab, an experimental renewable energy community testing innovative AI-powered approaches.
Cleanwatts is a leading Digital Green Energy SME in Portugal. Combining industry expertise, proprietary technology, and management skills, it is a European leader in Renewable Energy Communities.

Stratos Keranidis works for DOMX, co-leading WP4 Digital Platforms, Tools and Technologies for Energy Services, and managing the DomX Community Living Lab. This lab provides a versatile infrastructure for testing smart energy services and energy management products for legacy appliances, supporting both electricity and natural gas. DOMX is an innovative SME that builds cost-effective monitoring/control
IoT products, services and user interfaces for empowering consumers
Javier Contreras represents UCLM, which is a strategic partner co-leading the work packages on Market Design for Digital Tools Uptake and on Social Innovation, Consumers’ Digital Empowerment, and Energy Literacy Flexibility Services. The Spanish institution brings expertise in consumer-centric products, services, and business models, which are adapted to include digital tools. They also provide valuable insights into consumer responsiveness to AI-enhanced flexibility services and the social implications of AI tools.
Nicolo Bertozzi is part of the Fondazione LINKS team. In the project, LINKS mainly focuses on developing Digital Twin (DT) models and the core DT infrastructure for household energy consumers. As a non-profit private foundation with nearly 20 years of leadership in applied research, innovation, and technology, Fondazione LINKS brings expertise in ICT hardware and software tools, AI, smart data, IoT, and DT models and architecture to the project.