EU-DREAM has joined forces with three more Horizon Europe projects—DIGITISE, DECODIT, ENERGENIUS to form the new cluster “E-NERGY.” The projects share a common goal: leveraging digital technologies to enhance consumer participation in the energy transition. By working together, they seek to democratise access to energy information and make the transition process more accessible and engaging for all.
The name “E-NERGY” merges the concepts of “energy” and “e-mails,” and just as e-mails made the exchange of information seamless, and accessible, E-NERGY cluster aims to democratise access to energy information, making it easy and quick, and leading the sector into a new digital era.
About the projects:
- ENERGENIUS: Utilizing AI, it harmonizes vast data streams to deliver personalized insights and practical tools via the ENERGENIUS Suite, empowering communities with digital tools and engaging citizens through a serious game interface. The project aims to facilitate a green energy transition with a community-driven approach.
- DIGITISE focuses on enhancing digital literacy and empowering consumers in the energy sector. It promotes active engagement in digital energy activities and markets, positioning consumers and prosumers at the forefront of the energy transition.
- DECODIT will deliver tools that present personalized and comparable propositions for future-proofing homes, based on federated, data-driven services from multiple providers. The digital services will support citizens in decision making for participation in the energy transition.

Next, the E-NERGY cluster will define joint activities to further their collaborative efforts. By leveraging the strengths and expertise of each project, E-NERGY aims to create a cohesive and impactful strategy that will drive the energy sector towards a more sustainable and digitally integrated future.